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My Mom Passed + I Loved Her a Ton = Tribute Video = Moms Climb Free

On Monday, April 9th, my mom passed at 11:05p. I was with her all day beforehand. When I finally left to go home, so did she. I made a video highlighting her and I because that's all it's ever been for most my life.

Until she remarried in 2011, she was the classic single-mom. She was both tender like a mother and tough like a father - more tough than tender. Secretary by day, bartender by night, she always found a way to make ends meet. We went from apartment complex to apartment complex. Where there was a will, there was a way with her. If I were to describe her in one word, I'd say fighter. She's grabbed girls, kneed doctors and told off teachers for me. She was a mama bear to the fullest.

We used to fight literally every day for as long as I could remember. Her standards were impossible. And then I went to college. And she called me five times a day to check in. She hasn't stopped calling me like that since last Monday when she passed.

My mom loved the idea of a rock gym. She liked hearing the updates as we prepared over the years. I never told her the reason why we took so long to open because it was about money. We were saving up. Knowing her, she would put herself in debt and take out a loan just to get us here. The second-to-last time she came to the gym, she cleaned. The last time she came to the gym, we were installing padding. It has been extremely difficult starting a business with a sick mom. She really started to decline right when we were building. I struggled with juggling her and the gym, in addition to Amanda and the kids. It sounds like a no-brainer, but we were already paying builders at that time. It was past the point of no return. It was real tough. My mom couldn't make it to our grand opening because she was uncomfortable that night. She never actually saw the gym fully operational. BUT. She was so proud to hear that we finally opened. She left me a nice voicemail saying so. I have it saved.

I've taken this passed week to grieve and think about what good can come from bad. As I stand as the decision maker for NOSOTROS, I've decided the best way to honor my mom is to give you time with yours.

During this week, starting Monday, April 16th to Saturday, April 21st, we are giving all moms free climbing. If you're a mom, come on out. If you've got a mom, bring her. If you're not a mom and you don't have a mom, come by anyway and tell us about your mom. We're taking down our old Community Question, Are You Afraid of Heights, and we'll have a new question about moms for you. We'll also be filming a video gathering your favorite stories about mom.

The bottom line is that mothers have value. And I wish. I WISH! I had another minute with mine. We hope you enjoy climbing with yours.

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